is our school's comfortable and conducive environment for learning, ensuring students' comfort and focus throughout the day.
integrates technology seamlessly into lessons, fostering interactive and engaging learning experiences for students to explore various subjects in innovative ways.
provides hands-on opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts through experimentation and problem-solving.
offers a dynamic space for students to conduct experiments and explore the wonders of the natural world, fostering curiosity and scientific inquiry.
serves as a hub of knowledge and imagination, providing students with access to a diverse range of resources to support their learning and foster a love for reading.
is a versatile space for assemblies, performances, and events, fostering community spirit and collaboration among students and staff.
classes empower students to develop physical fitness, discipline, and self-defense skills while promoting values of respect and perseverance.
classes promote holistic well-being, combining movement, breath work, and mindfulness to cultivate strength, flexibility, and emotional balance.
classes provide students with opportunities for creative expression and physical fitness, fostering confidence and self-expression through various dance styles and routines.
classes provide students with opportunities for creative expression and physical fitness, fostering confidence and self-expression through various dance styles and routines.
classes enhance students' mental arithmetic skills and mathematical proficiency through engaging exercises and challenges.
classes unleash students' creativity and imagination, allowing them to explore various artistic mediums and techniques while developing fine motor skills and visual literacy.